As an experiment, I made an ‚Eat Liquid‘ NFT, along with visual artist Rodrigo Cid for Berlin Sounds x Images.
I actually called it 'Jane says bye' because it's a mix of the tracks 'jane goes gently' and 'bye' from the 'eat liquid' experiment that came out earlier this year. Sadly this was not favoured, so to the alt title. The original is influenced by the track from the wicker man, 'johnny goes gently', which is a great song and film. You can purchase it for 3eur or if you really want something extra special, there's the mega version for 250 where I read you your horoscope over zoom. In case your pockets are too heavy. I like horoscopes because they can help you dream, hope, look forward, that things will pass, things will come, develop.
Check it here: